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Please watch this website for additional titles, including non-fiction books that promote ethical discourse and focus on interpersonal and intercultural relations.
While Palaver is primarily a publisher of scholarly books, we also publish quality fiction, especially that which raises issues of social, cultural, and philosophical interest.
We also welcome enquiries from educators seeking special discounts or additional resources and from members of the press with media-related questions.
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If you are an author and/or scholar, we invite you to learn more about the mission, scope, and publishing approach of Palaver and Ethica Projects and consider becoming a part of our community. We value well-intentioned and quality projects that increase discourse within and across borders, encourage deep exploration, and generate multicultural perspectives, understanding, and cooperation.
Palaver invites initial expressions of interest (500 to 1,000 or so words), which may be sent to Paul Komesaroff, editor in chief, outlining the project in general. If we find the basic ideas attractive, we will ask for a more detailed proposal, which will then be sent out for review by people with expertise in the project’s subject area. Completed manuscripts will be reviewed by several experts in the field, who will decide whether to recommend publication, what revisions or changes are required, etc.
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Palaver is an imprint of Ethica Projects, Pty Ltd
Armadale, Victoria 3143, Australia