Readings from Continent Aflame: Kate Judith reads 'Errinundra Shimmer'

Kate Judith was part of the protest movement to protect the forests of South East NSW. Following that she lived on the edge of the forests of far East Gippsland. Now she is an Environmental Humanities scholar, currently writing with mangroves to consider what it is to be between.

Errinundra Shimmer reflects on and joyfully depicts the intense aliveness of ecologies such as those of the moist southern forests of Eastern Australia. The 2019-20 bushfires, extinguishing as they did this intense ‘shimmer’ of the forests, brought about a loss that presents the author with deep questions as to how to honour and make good that loss in the future.

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Readings from Continent Aflame: Kieran Donaghue reads 'Water, Fire and Ashes'

Kieran studied in Australia, the United States, and Germany and taught philosophy at the Australian National University in the mid-1980s. Subsequently, he worked in overseas aid, including on a project to design a new poverty measurement. His first novel, German Lessons, was published by Palaver in 2019. He lives in Canberra with his wife Mariko.

The Tidbinbulla Nature Reserve near Canberra, severely burned in both the 2003 and 2019-2020 bushfires, holds deep personal memories and significance for the author.

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